The compensation tank has two level switches and a sole-
noid valve of 3/4" (for topping off water), already wired in a
watertight box (
3, detail I).
The devices are connected as follows:
EVC filling solenoid valve
L sic safety level switch
L max maximum level float switch
3) For connection of the devices with the electrical box
on the spa-pak, there are two sheath passage fittings measur-
ing 1/2"x Ø16 mm (one on the box fixed on the compensa-
tion tank and one on the electrical box).
3) The connection to the electrical box (F) of the spa-
pak is to be made with six normalized wires with a minimum
cross-section of 2x1 mm
a section that is adequate for the existing sheath passage fit-
Once the connections have been made, using care to comply
with the numbering of the two respective terminal blocks, the
installer must check that the sheath passage and the sheath
are watertight, and then hermetically close the watertight box
of the compensation tank and the cover of the electrical box.
To activate some of the functions from the tub (hydromassage, fan,
and blower), the pneumatic push buttons must be installed, obviously
as close as possible to the spa so that they can be accessed by the
person using the spa. It must however be possible to inspect the push
buttons in the location where they are installed.
First of all, the push buttons must be connected to the cor-
responding junction box (
NOTE: the box can be installed under the spa, or outside it,
but not more than 2 metres from the push buttons.
3 G-H) The connection to the spa-pak electrical box
must be made using the specific cable (supplied).
In addition, the installer must check that the cable clamps are wa-
tertight, and then hermetically close the watertight box connected
to the push buttons and the cover of the electrical box.
Possible connection of the spa-pak with the pri-
mary circuit of the heat exchanger
The spas of the Professional range, instead of a water heater,
may be equipped with a plate heat exchanger. In this case, the
water of the spa that circulates in the secondary circuit of the
heat exchanger must be heated with hot water that is circulated
in the primary circuit of the heat exchanger (for example by
means of a circulation pump).
Circulation of hot water in the primary circuit must be con-
trolled by the electrical box installed on the spa-pak.
, which the installer must protect with
3, detail G).
There is a normally open contact in the electrical box - 5A
MAX (see the wiring diagram).
JACUZZI EUROPE S.p.A. denies all responsibility:
If installation is carried out by unqualified personnel and/or per-
sonnel unauthorised to carry out the installation itself.
If current norms and legal provisions regarding the electric sys-
tems of buildings in the country in which installation is carried out
are not complied with.
If the instructions for installation and maintenance contained in this
manual are not followed.
If unsuitable and/or uncertified materials are used for installation.
Spas are not installed in compliance with the above provisions.
If incorrect operations are performed that reduce the level of pro-
tection of the electrical equipment against water jets, modify the
protection against electrocution due to direct or indirect contact,
or produce abnormal conditions of insulation, current leakage or
For example, failure to create a siphon on the blower pipe (
2a, 3, 3a preinstallation sheet) in models that provide for this func-
tion considerably reduces the degree of protection against elec-
If any components or parts of the appliance are altered in relation
to the original state when supplied, releasing the Manufacturer from
any liability.
If the appliance is repaired by unauthorised personnel or if spare
parts are used other than the original ones supplied by Jacuzzi Eu-
rope S.p.A
Check that the filter has been filled with the provided sand
and that connections have been made to the selector valve and
to the ground drainage point.
Check that installation has been carried out in all details (e.g.
perimeter supports), that pipes have been carefully glued, and
that various sleeves and clamps ensure perfect seal. Also check
that the ball valves of the drain pipes are closed.
Make sure that the ball valves of the various pipes that connect
the spa to the spa-pak and to the compensation tank are all open,
with the exception of the valves on the filtering suction line, which
must be calibrated properly for best system operation.