User management
User management contains all users . A user can edit their user data or data from the
same or a deeper user group . The Operator can only change their own password .
User management is divided into three different screens on the touch screen . For the
input, please read Chapter 6 .2 .2 Operator controls . You can find the different screens
and their parameters in the following table .
Screen 1:
Screen change with the down arrow
All users are offered for selection which the logged in user can change . The user can
select a user for deletion or add a new user to the spinner with Input . Users cannot
delete themselves .
Every user must belong to a user group . The user group defines the rights . The
current user cannot change his or her user group . Chapter 9 .5 User groups and user
interfaces displays all users and their rights .
A password must be assigned . The password must be entered once .
Screen 2:
Screen change with the down arrow
All users are offered for selection which the logged in user can delete . Users can not
delete themselves .
Screen 3:
Screen change with the down arrow
Automatic Login can be assigned exclusively to one single user . When switching on
the device and when changing the user interface, the login dialogue in this case is
skipped and the user with Automatic Login is logged in . A user loses Automatic Login
if Automatic Login has been assigned to another user .