CAV 8-/12
This Nilfi sk-ALTO vacuum cleaner is not to be used in explosion-hazardous
areas, as serious injury could result.
Under no circumstances may this vacuum cleaner be used safely for the
collection of hazardous or toxic materials unless equipped with a HEPA fi lter.
Be sure to install the HEPA fi lter according to Nilfi sk-ALTO's written instruc-
Do not use this cleaner for the removal of hazardous substances unless you
are licensed and/or certifi ed for this work by the all authorities having juris-
If this vacuum cleaner is used to collect hazardous material, do not attempt
to open or empty its contents without personal protective clothing and respi-
ratory protection. This procedure must be completed in a contained environ-
ment. Contact with the cleaner, fi lters and all other accessories used when
picking-up hazardous materials must be handled according to federal (EPA,
OSHA), state and local regulations valid for the vacuumed substance.
Please ensure these instructions for Use are made available and understood
by your employees or any other persons who may use this equipment.
To list all toxic and hazardous materials would be beyond the scope of these
instructions. It is the Employer's responsibility to identify, for Employee's and
others' information, hazardous or toxic materials which may be collected by
this equipment. Such information must be communicated to your Employees
and other potential users of this equipment.
Optional accessories / Model variants