Configuration of TWM transmitter
Configuration jumpers and connectors
In the following drawings, identify the configuration jumpers:
(1) VIDEO INPUT: BNC video input connector to connect and mount the TWM directly on the video camera .
Configuration procedure
The following procedures must be carried out with power supply off, if not otherwise specified
The configuration procedure prepares the unit for perfect working and must be carried out only by qualified
technical staff. The operations to perform during the configuration phase are the following:
1. Output impedence adjustment
2. Pre-amplifier gain adjustment
Output impedence adjustment
The output impedence has to assume different values according to the type of cable used for the video signal
transmission from TWT unit to TWRB/TWRR receiver:
1) Pre-amplifier
2) Output impedence
3) AC/DC power supply
4) Twisted pair output
Pag. 4
TWM 2701