2. Safety
With Silk'n safety comes first. Silk'n Model H5003 has these safety features:
3. Get to know Silk'n Model H5003
Silk'n Model H5003 is a system to help you exercise your muscles and tone
specific parts of your body without physical effort, and in the comfort
of your home. Target areas are the upper arms, abdomen, buttocks or
Silk'n Model H5003 is a powerful electrical device and should be used
with special attention to safety. Before use, it is important that you
read and understand the instructions on how to use the device
including after-use procedures, and follow them strictly. We
recommend you re-familiarize yourself with the instructions in this
manual before each treatment.
Model H5003 UM 3627A no laser electrode pads combined ED199-12 clean.indd 8
Proximity sensor: The device works only when it is on, and the
treatment unit/s are in good contact with your skin.
Auto shut-down: Although you can stop a treatment whenever
you wish, the device shuts down after a minute or so, when there is
no contact with the skin (the operating light will be constant green).
It also shut downs automatically after 15 minutes of continuous use.
27/11/2017 13:35:23