2. Intended Purpose of the Microscope
2. intenDeD purpose of the Microscope
The Leica DM3 XL microscope, to which this user
manual belongs, is designed for industrial, min-
eralogical and geological routine and research
Simultaneously, the requirements in EU Direc-
tive 2014/35/EU regarding the safety of electrical
equipment, and 2014/30/EU regarding electro-
magnetic compatibility have been met for all the
devices mentioned above.
According to the VO1194/2012 regulation regard-
ing the implementation of the Ecodesign Direc-
tive 2009/125/EC, microscopes are considered
special products. The light sources in this instru-
ment are special lamps which are only suitable
for microscopes. They are not suitable for gen-
eral lighting purposes or room lighting.
The manufacturer assumes no liability for
damage caused by, or any risks arising from
using the microscopes for other purposes
than those for which they are intended or not
using them within the specifications of Leica
Microsystems CMS GmbH.
In such cases the conformity declaration
shall cease to be valid.
Notes on handling laser devices
In the standard design without additional la-
ser safety precautions, the microscopes are
not suitable for coupling laser radiation (such
as to the camera ports), since this radiation
poses a hazard for the user (eye injury in par-
For use of the microscope with lasers, Leica
Microsystems offers special microscope
variants with additional safety features. La-
ser couplings require corresponding safety
devices that have to be inspected and in-
stalled by trained personnel.
For further information, please contact your
authorized Leica Microsystems representa-