6.16 Remaining assist distance
This displays an estimate of the distance (in kilometers or miles)
that can be ridden with assist on the residual battery capacity
of the battery installed. If you switch the assist mode when the
remaining assist distance is displayed, the estimate of the distance
that can be ridden with assist changes. The remaining assist
distance estimate cannot be reset.
• The remaining assist distance changes depending on the riding
situation (hills, headwind, etc.) and as the battery runs down.
See point 4.4 on page 8.
• If in "Off mode", '- - - -' is displayed.
6.17 Battery capacity (%)
This displays the power remaining in the battery.
The residual battery capacity display cannot be reset.
6.18 Cadence
This displays your pedaling speed in revolutions per minute.
The pedaling cadence display cannot be reset.
If you pedal in backward, '0.0' is displayed.
6.19 Light on/off
Each time you press the light switch, the light switches between
"On" and "Off".
When the light is lit, the back light of the displays also lights up.
If the battery becomes exhausted while cycling and no longer
provides power assist, the light will remain on for about 2 more
hours. Remember this, when you may be cycling in the dark.