received instructions on safe use of the appLiance and that
theY understand the inherent dangers.
the generator must not be used bY persons (incLuding
chiLdren) With reduced phYsicaL, sensorY and mentaL
capacities or Who are unsKiLLed persons, unLess theY are
supervised and trained regarding use of the appLiance bY a
person responsibLe for their safetY.
the cLeaning and maintenance required bY the user must
not be performed bY chiLdren Without supervision.
chiLdren must be checKed to ensure that theY do not pLaY
With the appLiance.
do not touch the generator When You are barefoot or
When parts of the bodY are Wet or damp.
it is forbidden to modifY the appLiance in anY WaY.
do not puLL, remove, tWist the eLectricaL cabLes coming
out of the product even if it is disconnected from the mains.
it is advised to position the poWer suppLY cabLe so that it
does not come into contact With hot parts of the appLiance.
the poWer suppLY pLug must be accessibLe after
do not cLose or reduce the dimensions of the airing vents
in the pLace of instaLLation. the airing vents are essentiaL
for correct combustion.
do not Leave the pacKaging eLements Within reach of
chiLdren or unassisted disabLed persons.
the hearth door must aLWaYs be cLosed during normaL
functioning of the product.
When the appLiance is functioning and hot to the touch,
especiaLLY aLL eXternaL surfaces, attention must be paid
checK for the presence of anY obstructions before
sWitching the appLiance on foLLoWing a proLonged period
of inactivitY.
the generator has been designed to adjust itseLf
automaticaLLY in particuLar operating conditions
the generator has been designed to function in anY
cLimatic condition. in particuLarLY adverse conditions