User Manual
Self-interventions and misuse hide unpredictable risks and cause expiration of
>> Do not modify or alter either the product or the a ccessories!
Risk of material damage by inappropriate ambient conditions
Incorrect ambient conditions can damage things.
>> A void extreme conditions, such as extreme heat, coldness, humidity or
d irect exposure to the sun, a s well as vibrations and mechanical pressure.
>> Keep enough space around product and to the whole system to ensure
proper ventilation and mobility.
The included mounting material is only suitable for mounting on massive stone
or concrete walls.
>> For other wall types use suitable mounting material.
>> Check the stability of the system periodically after installation.
User Groups
Caused to different risk levels and hazard potentials some working steps only
may be done by trained specialists.
Working step
Aligning, Care,
Storage, Trans-
port, Disposal
Tab. 13: User Groups
Warning Levels
Warnings against hazards that will result directly in serious injuries or death
in case of non-observance.
Warnings against hazards that may result in serious injuries or death in case
of nonobservance.
Warnings against hazards that may result in injuries in case of non-obser-
Warnings against hazards that may result in material damage in case of
User Group
Consumers and users with basical mechanical knowledge
can do this work.
>> Protect children and people with mental and motoral
impairments from using the product!
Trained specialists only
>> special safety measures, knowledge and tools are nec-