Instructions for Use
3DX External Distraction System
During Distraction (Distraction Phase)
The generally recommended distraction length per day is 1 mm.
It is the responsibility of the treating physician to decide in which order and by which amount
the two distraction screws should be turned (2, 3).
It is the responsibility of the treating physician to decide whether one turn per distraction
screw or two turns per screw are required per day.
The patient screwdriver features an arrow (section 10.3 "Instruments", page 40) to indicate
the direction of activation.
On principle, the distraction must be performed by a physician. The patient and his/her
relatives are permitted to perform the distraction themselves only on the condition that they
have been properly instructed by the physician.
The distraction progress must be monitored by regular medical checks.
V. 1.2
Active distraction is performed with the patient
screwdriver (1, see section 10.3 "Instruments",
page 40).
The following rule applies:
One full turn equals 0.5 mm.
Assuming an optimal distraction rate of 1 mm
per day, we recommend performing one full
turn (360° = 0.5 mm) every morning and every