Hole starting aids
Wet (centering ring)
Hole-starting aid for wet drilling: A centering
ring is available for each core bit diameter (8–
32 mm).It can be used with the water dam hold-
er and adhesive plate (see accessories)
Dry (centering disc)
Hole-starting aid for dry drilling:Use the appropriate
disc for each core bit diameter.Apply the self-
adhesive disc where the hole is to be drilled af-
ter removing the protective foil. Nails can be
used if the adhesive is not effective. The self-
adhesive centering disc can be used only once.
Printed: 07.07.2013 | Doc-Nr: PUB / 5069507 / 000 / 00
Adhesive plate
An adhesive plate for drilling individual holes.
– Apply double-sided adhesive foil to the ad-
hesive plate.
– Position adhesive plate in the desired posi-
tion, or use nails if the adhesive is not effec-
– Insert the appropriate centering ring.
– Insert the the water collector incl. appropriate
sealing disc into the adhesive plate, ensur-
ing it is held firmly in place.
– Connect the water supply hose.
– The adhesive plate can be re-used after
replacing the adhesive foil.
Drilling rig
A drilling rig for semi-stationary use with core
bit diameters up to 87 mm.
– For use only with M12 anchors.
– Drilling overhead is only allowed when us-
ing the water collector.
Wet adaptor for connecting the water extrac-
tion hose to a water extractor (hose diameter
12 and 20 mm, item no. 213149/8).
Dry adaptor for connecting other types of vac-
uum cleaner to the DD 100 extraction head (35-
50 mm connections, item no.213148/0).