5.8. Main panel
It's the only fixed size panel. It contains the following items:
5.8.1. Menus
These menus give access to a variety of program options. .amiclab-m3 offers two different
menus: FILE and DEVICE.
FILE contains typical commands to manage presets as files. NEW, LOAD and SAVE are always
available commands:
NEW initializes the current preset, resetting it to default values.
LOAD reloads a preset previously saved as a file in the computer. Executing this command
opens a Windows® typical file selection dialog box.
SAVE stores the current preset as a file in the computer to reload it in the future. Executing this
command opens a Windows® typical file selection dialog box.
DEVICE contains several commands relative to DPM3003 hardware: RECALL, STORE,
PASSWORD and FIRMWARE. These commands are not always available, depending if .amiclab-m3 is
connected to the hardware or not.
RECALL extracts the preset from DPM3003 hardware (this preset is automatically extracted from
the hardware). This is only available if .amiclab-m3 has connection with the hardware. During
the recall process, a progress dialog box is displayed to provide feedback of the operation