This e-bike is intended for transporting one person at a time. Fit your bicycle with suitable
equipment if you would like to transport luggage. Ensure that you do not exceed the maximum
permissible load (rider + luggage).
The manufacturer and dealer do not assume any liability for activities above and beyond the
intended use. This particularly applies for not adhering to safety advice and damage resulting from
this, for instance: off-road use, carrying excess weight or making improper repairs to defects.
The e-bike is not generally designed to withstand extreme stress, such as riding down steps or over
Please fully charge the battery before the first use.
Please ensure that your bicycle is ready for use and is adjusted to fit your body,
including setting position and fixture of the saddle and handlebar.
Checking the assembly and settings of the brakes
Securing the wheels into the frame and fork
Checking the tire pressure
Ensure that you know which lever operates which brake. Operate and ride your
bicycle first in a quiet and safe place.
Check that the wheels and thru axles as well as all important nuts and bolts are
Push the wheels forward with the brakes pulled. The back brake should
completely prevent the back wheel from moving, while the front brake should
lift the back wheel off the ground with its braking effect. The bicycle's steering
should not rattle under braking or exhibit any play.(right/left).
The effectiveness of brakes can be different in wet conditions or on slippery
surfaces. Please take into account the possibility of longer braking distances and
slippery road surfaces when riding.
Check the air pressure in the tires. As a general rule of thumb, e.g. on a ride, you
can check the tire pressure as follows: If you place your thumb on a pumped up
tire, you should not be able to significantly change its shape by applying
Check the tires and rims. Scan them for any damage, cracks or deformations, as
well as embedded particles, e.g. shards of glass or sharp stones.
If you should find any cuts, rips or holes in the tires, please refrain from riding.
First have your bicycle checked over by qualified bicycle mechanics.