14. Additional notes for the lisa-RF module
Operating principle
In cases of an alert, the »lisa RF combined detector« A-2472-0 trans-
mitts an alarm signal (868,35 MHz) to RF-lisa receivers within range.
RF channel selection
A special digital transmission process ensures that the radio signals are
picked up without errors. This process also makes it possible to set 10
different radio channels. All lisa RF units are set to channel 0 by default.
It is only necessary to set units to other channels if you have several
different users operating units in the same building.
To select the RF channel open the socket of the combined detector
and change the channel selector switch on the additional board to the
required channel number.
Testing function
The transmitter module can be tested by either pressing the modu-
le's test button or the detector's exterior test button. When using the
module's test button, an alarm signal is sent to all lisa-receivers within
transmission range without triggering the alarm of the detector itself.